A Name for Baby Girl #2


So, as with Ama, we really are trying to come up with a list of names before the new baby is born. However, we didn’t really use a name from our list with Amabella, so who knows what we will decide once we see the baby.

Many of you are asking if we have any names in mind, so I thought I’d share. So far I have a list of first names I like, but haven’t really found significant meanings for the names, which is important to me.

Trevor doesn’t mind the name: Adeline Emelia, but I’m not sure what he thinks of the rest of my ideas.

First name ideas:

Middle name ideas:
Emelia (Amelia is a family name on Trevor’s side of the family)

I thought there were more, but this is all I can think of right now.

So, if you love one of the names, feel free to share that with us. If you hate the name, feel free to keep that opinion to yourself. 🙂