My Thoughts on Key Issues Addressed By Trevor
Over the past months, Trevor has been inundating me with new findings/theories he has researched about many issues. Most of the time I just feel bombarded by the magnitude of information and general skepticism, negativity, and paranoia I sense. I would like to be more open to hearing these viewpoints without being inundated with too much to take in. I want to be able to hear the arguments with both sides addressed, otherwise I sense the need to play devil’s advocate, which I don’t actually want to do. The position I often find myself in is one of defensiveness, which leads to so much anxiety, thus I choose to just shut down and shut out any new information. My desire is to be open, but not to be unwise and accept anything put before me. The following are some of the key issues Trevor has brought before me of late and some of my thoughts on the issues.