iPhone Saga: A Calamity of Errors
We recently purchase a new (used) van, which as it turns out is two years older then our now second car. Our second car has a wonderful feature of having a dock connect for our iPhones integrated. The best our van has is an auxiliary in. An auxiliary cable will leave the iPhone headphone jack and plug into the aux port in the van, providing audio to the van stereo.
First mistake (according to TL) was I left the cable plugged into the aux port when the girls were playing in the van. I do not know for sure, but assume the plug was damages during “their driving session”. It was not damaged enough for me to notice and I inserted the damaged end into the headphone jack on my iphone (mistake number two).
On our return trip from the zoo, I noticed the van was only receiving audio to the right channel, meaning the left channel was not receiving audio and was not making contact. When I pulled it out the left channel and tip of the jack did not come out. It was still in the iphone and I was left holding a stub of jack, clearly broken. Shaking, slamming, sucking, did not loosen the jack from the housing of the iphone. I scheduled and Apple Genius appointment.
The “Genius” was no help. He looked and phone, took it into the back (further consulting, I assume) and returned it to me saying, the jack the broke was not ours we can replace your model for two-hundred dollars. That was a laughable solution, considering I just wanted help removing it and I guess they do not do that. The “Genius” did give me instruction on how I could removing it, which included another laughable suggestion of superglue. I left the mall (a dreaded place in and of itself) angry I got no assistance to what I assumed would be an common problem with an easy solution.
DIY time. Mistake number three was just a not well thought out plan. Placing the “Genius'” suggestion on the back burner, the inter-knowledge told me a small screw may work. I dug through my now fairly organized workbench and found a tray of screws, one seemed small enough for the job, but was it long enough. I screwed it in, which seems a scary proposition, hoping it would only attach to the end of the broken jack and nothing else. It attached, so firmly I could not get a grip to pull it out. I had it screw in so the head of the screw was nearly flush with the top of the iphone. I could unscrew it, but that might risk not being able to grab a thread again. I attempted to place dental floss under the screw head, rap it around and pull it out. The floss broken. I need something stronger. I grabbed Teflon tape. That was strong, but the broken piece nor screw would budge. If i had rapped the screw before inserting or place metal wire under it before this method may have worked. As I unscrewed to rap the screw, the grab the threads could achieved was minimized and thus by the time I was able to get enough leverage, the screw came out without the headphone.
By this time I was desperate and annoyed. I had read of people doing rash things at this stage, so I went to bed and left it for another day.
the next day I decided I would attempt the “Genius'” suggestion of superglue. I place a small amount of the head of the broken jack. The drop was slight enough the glue was submerged into the hollow of the broken jack, so as I inserted it there was no reason to believe the glue would touch the edge of the jack housing. After the headphone pieces were reunited I turned the iphone right side up and let sit for an hour. I am not sure if this fourth mistake was the letting sit for an hour, rather then twenty minutes or the position I let the iphone rest for that time, but I a returned to pull the headphone out, it would not budge. It was indeed superglued into the phone.
Mistake number five I could see coming, but I had little choice. I knew others had to have done this very thing before and the inter-knowledge asserted acetone, found in nail polish remover would dissolve superglue. The only problem was I had no direct access to the glue directly. I would have allow gravity to carry the liquid down into the jack and wash over the glue, which must of oozed out and bonded with the edges of the jack. I rinsed and tested three times. I also used a hair blower to dry the acetone after each attempt. Acetone evaporates at just over room temperature. After the third or so attempt, walla, presto, eureka, the entire headphone jack came out superglued together.
So I had success and yet mistake number five and six were not realized.
To be continued….
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