Christmas Eve Morning 2010


We decided this year to start celebrating Christmas with just our little family at a separate time from extended family. Trevor had Christmas Eve off, so I chose to work a different day of the week instead. We celebrated on Christmas Eve morning the way my family always has on Christmas morning.

I stayed up late the night before wrapping presents, filling stockings, and putting presents under the tree. It was a lot of fun for me, although I stayed up way too late.  🙂

The girls had a great time opening presents and even took turns waiting to see what the other person got.  After nearly each little item in their stocking, or present they unwrapped, we had to stop to open and play with or use the item.  They especially loved their bandaids and toothbrushes in their stockings.  🙂  Part way through opening gifts, we stopped and ate breakfast.  The girls got a Circus waffle maker, so we made circus shaped waffles (lions, elephants, and clowns) and scrambled eggs with cheese.  After breakfast, the girls and daddy went outside and played for quite a while.

We still have a present under the tree unopened.  Perhaps today they will open their last present.

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