Christmas Day with the Haydons


We got home fairly late from Trevor’s parents house on Christmas Eve, so I was the first one to awake at 7:30 a.m.  We got up and ready as quickly as possible, but didn’t arrive at my parents house in Ukiah until almost 10:30 a.m.

Our traditional breakfast of scrambled eggs with cheese and little smokies along with hot chocolate was ready as soon as we arrived.

The family waited on opening stockings until after breakfast, since we arrived later.  So, the first thing we did was open the stockings.  Auntie Tiff was great!!!  She sat with the big girls and opened their stockings and presents with them.

Again, the girls loved everything.  Amabella particularly loved the dress up clothes and changed four or five times during the day.

We had a great time with my parents, siblings, my sister in law, Nichole, and our family friend, Mark.  Later in the day my Uncle Lonnie, Aunt Linda, cousins Andy, cousin Jen, cousin in law Paul, and cousin’s daughter and son (second cousins? first cousin once removeds? hmm? cousins) Erika and Justin arrived.  It was great to visit with family.  Below is a picture of many of us who spent the day together.

We played Cranium.  It was very fun, as games always are to me.  It was a super close game, but the girls won.

(To Be Continued)

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