Ocean World


Thursday morning we loaded up and drove a short distance over the border into Crescent City, CA. We stopped at their Ocean World.

We had a tour guide lead us through their aquarium. First we went to their tide pools with sea stars and sea anemones. I learned that if you happen to touch a sea anemone with your tongue, it will make it numb for about 20 minutes. Also, I got to feel a Leather Star for the first time. All three girls enjoyed touching the water, sea stars, and anemones.

Next, we went to their fish tanks and saw various fish including leopard sharks, rock fish, sturgeon, and bat rays. Our guide said that often rock fish is a common fish used in fish and chips and sometimes sold incorrectly as red snapper, which he said only lives on the East Coast.

Next was shark petting. We got to stroke the back of a leopard shark as it swam by us. This was my first experience touching a shark, I think.

Last was a little sea lion and seal show. We saw 3 Harbor Seals and a California Sea Lion recently brought over from Germany (weird, right?!). We got to see first hand the difference in mobility of sea lions and seals.

This wasn’t much of an aquarium, but we were prepared for that. What we enjoyed was having a guide tell us a bit about what we saw, being in a small group of 20 or less, having hands-on experiences, and allowing the girls to see seals and sea lions do little tricks for their first time.

The remaining of the drive for the day wound us past lots of wonderful lagoons as well as beautiful views of the ocean.

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