Thoughts on Training my Children
Over the past few weeks, I’ve put much time, thought, and prayer into what to do about preschool for Amabella (age 3 1/2). Both of her grandmas are strongly encouraging I put her in preschool. However, I just wasn’t sure what I wanted to do about that for many reasons.
Trevor and I have spoken of either sending our girls to private school or homeschooling. I know there are pros and cons of all options out there. For example:
Public School:
Pros: Lots of great resources and opportunities available to the kids; we already pay for it in taxes so it’s no additional cost; and, having taught in the public schools, there are some exceptional and creative teachers out there!
Cons: There is little control over what my child’s young mind and heart will be exposed to: there will undoubtedly be both subtle and blatant things presented to them as acceptable or truth that are, according to the Bible, which be base all truth on, are not acceptable or not truth (lies).
Families have different standards, so what we say or do may be different than what my girls become exposed to. There will need to be teaching from us, as parents, to address this whether the differences come from the public school, other secular environments, a Christian school, church, Christian friends, and even family. It’s my job to “train up [my children in the way they should go and when they are old they] will not depart from it.”
In training up our girls, we simply must make the decision we sense is best. Right now, what seems best is what we’re already doing combined with a little more. The girls go to Sunday School and Wednesday night Kids Club each week, which they love and supports the need to develop appropriate social skills, manners, behavior, taking turns, and most importantly, training in God’s Word. We get together with other friends periodically, as well as our moms group monthly, to develop social skills and provide time for me, as the mom, to process and problem solve with other moms.
Faith Training and Valuing Family are of utmost importance to us. It is very important that we have time together to spend time reading, discussing, and applying God’s Word; memorizing scripture; praying together; and talking about God, His Word, and our faith in Him in all we do. It is also very important that we have time as a family! I want my daughters to grow up to be each other’s very best friends. Family is meant to be there always. I desire my girls to love, take care of, help, have fun with, and truly enjoy each other. Being home together supports that. In addition, we love that, on the days I work, our girls’ grandparents watch them. More family bonding time!
Safety is another big responsibility we have as parents.
I know we can not shelter our kids forever or protect them in every way, bur we believe that having more control over what is presented before our children while they are young will help them as they notice and process the things they see or hear that are different in the future. We strive, even now, to talk about most everything (as appropriate) together and hope that maintaining open lines of communication as the girls get older will help by providing an environment where our girls can ask questions and discuss what they see and hear. We will always be using God’s Word as the basis from which we teach and discuss. Our kids know we believe the Bible is absolute truth, God is real and active in our lives, and it’s possible to interact with God, know Him personally, and that [storing up God’s Word in our heart] will help us avoid sin (Psalm 119:11). The first memory verse was God-given for sure as I see it as absolutely foundational to why I am encouraging our girls, and am excited with them, to memorize scripture: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105). As the girls and I discussed, God’s word is the Bible and in it we can see where to go as we walk through this life.
(more to come)
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