Food Jars
I am so excited! While on vacation, I purchased some glass jars from IKEA to store my dry food in. Last night, as I was highly motivated, I stayed up til the wee hours of the morning organizing. I love it! Here are a few pictures of the dry goods in the 19 61oz. jars […]
“Looking For a Few Good Men”
Sunday, September 11, 2011 Sermon: “Looking For a Few Good Men” (a sermon for what women should look for or NOT look for in a mate). These are very brief notes from the sermon. It was excellent. You can listen to it once it is posted on our church website: Stony Point Christian Fellowship Proverbs […]
Making Personal Pizzas
As I was reading through the current issue of Whole Living (http://www.wholeliving.com/), I came across a fun idea of making pizzas with my girls. So, tonight, we used pugliese bread and topped it with whatever we wanted. The choices included: pasta sauce, spinach, plum tomatoes, red bell pepper, onion, garlic, olives, leftover chicken (Trevor used […]
Playing on Their Car
Although some might consider it dangerous, my girls had a fabulous time driving each other around on the top of their Cozy Coupe. π Avalina enjoyed washing the stool off while her sisters drove around her. Your browser does not support the video tag
My Passions
I find that, as with everyone, I’m passionate about many things. These are topics that, when they come up in conversation I want to talk about them; when I overhear someone in a restaurant I want to pause and listen; when it’s tweeted about or posted about on facebook, I want to read it or […]
My Sleeping Bugs
We stayed late at Auntie Sarah’s house so the guys could watch soccer. By the time we got to the hotel our tired bugs were so wiped out they fell (or stayed) fast asleep. I couldn’t resist taking pictures.
Playtime Fun with Milah
The four cousins had a great time playing together at Milah’s house on Friday evening as we celebrated my birthday with family. The girls played with the tunnel, bubbles, and playdoh. Family time is so special! Your browser does not support the video tag Your browser does not support the video tag Your browser does […]
Cloth Diapering Thoughts/Reviews
As I have been hearing about more people around me becoming interested in cloth diapering, I thought I would write my own cloth diaper review of each of the diapers I have used. Β For now, I have simply written my thoughts and eventually I will add more detailed reviews. I have used GroBaby (now GroVia), […]
Swimming at Our Hotel
After fun filled days and two great nights at Auntie Sarah and cousin Milah’s house, we went to a hotel to stay the night. Which meant … Swimming!!! The girls love the water, as usual! It was a bit cold for me, so I mostly videoed and helped now and then. π It was so […]
The Enchanted Forest
On Friday, September 2, 2011, the girls visited their first theme park: Enchanted Forest in Salem, Oregon. What a fun day! We went with Auntie Sarah, cousin Milah, Oma, Granddad, Nana, and Papa. We made quite a train with the single stroller, double stroller, wheel chair, and walking people in our group. π The park […]
Visiting Salem Family Just Got Better
Visiting Salem family got even better on Thursday afternoon when Oma, Granddad, Nana, and Papa arrived to join the fun. Oma and I brought the four cousins to the park again. The big girls spent a long time playing like they were making food for all of us. The little ones played on the structure […]
Playing at the Park
When we arrived at Sarah, Jon, and Milah’s house on Wednesday, the first thing we did was get the cousins reacquainted. First, they played in Milah’s room, and then, we went to their neighborhood park. There are some unique toys there! Trevor, our girls, and I visited the park on Thursday while Milah napped as […]
Singing in the Car: A Favorite Passtime
The girls love singing in the car to the songs they learned in Vacation Bible School. They sing and do hand motions. This trip, the VBS songs kept us sane as it would keep the girls enjoying the drive and generally getting along. π Your browser does not support the video tag Your browser does […]