The Enchanted Forest


On Friday, September 2, 2011, the girls visited their first theme park: Enchanted Forest in Salem, Oregon. What a fun day!

We went with Auntie Sarah, cousin Milah, Oma, Granddad, Nana, and Papa. We made quite a train with the single stroller, double stroller, wheel chair, and walking people in our group. 🙂 The park was rather hilly, more than expected for sure.

Enchanted Forest was really cute. The website tells quite a bit about the theme park: It was a great introduction to theme parks and rides. There was a nursery rhyme section, a western section, and an English village. There were little things to do like a rabbit hole to crawl through and slides to go down. The girls went on a little train with Auntie Sarah and cousin Milah and loved it. Next they went on a ride that went up and dropped them down. They waited in line, after watching it a lot, gave their tickets, then got on. Before it started, Ama got off to watch instead. After Adi successfully went on the ride, Ama went. Then they went together. Their last ride was bumper boats. The rides were perfect for the girls: a little stretching but not too intimidating.

As always, there is scary and evil stuff, which I detest. (Of course, I believe that should be a Christian’s response to evil.) I tried to avoid that stuff or address it with the girls. I wish these fun parks could just be fun, but we live in a fallen world. I’ll get off my soap box now …

At any rate, Uncle Jon’s recommendation of this park was excellent. I loved how cute everything looked and we had a wonderful time together. 🙂

I took a few pictures and mostly videos. Below I will post a selection of them.

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