Cloth Diapering Thoughts/Reviews


As I have been hearing about more people around me becoming interested in cloth diapering, I thought I would write my own cloth diaper review of each of the diapers I have used.  For now, I have simply written my thoughts and eventually I will add more detailed reviews.

I have used GroBaby (now GroVia), Smartipants, bumGenius! 3.0 and 4.0 (velcro, snaps, and AIO snaps), Kawaii Baby, Prefold diapers with pins and vinyl covers or Blueberry cover.  (I often ordered from KellysCloset online.)  All the diapers I used were one size diapers, since I used them for as many as three different sized kids at the same time.  One size diapers are fabulous because they can be used for almost any sized child.  I found GroBaby to fit my smallest baby earliest and Kawaii Baby to fit my largest kid.  BumGenius has been my overall favorite in fit because they fit well and almost never leaked.  The 4.0 fits to larger sized kids as well, so I loved that.  My challenge with the Smartipants was that the elastic around the leg often wouldn’t get tight enough or was too tight.  Snaps, overall, were difficult when the kids were younger because I couldn’t get it just the right tightness, like I could with velcro.  However, velcro just does not hold up.  I would HIGHLY recommend buying snap closure diapers as they will last.  The downside to BumGenius is that they are pretty time consuming to stuff whereas Smartipants is a little faster and you don’t need to remove the insert before laundering.

My biggest challenge has been finding the best wash routine which I’ve written about in another blog post.  However, I am realizing, finally, that Santa Rosa water is “moderately hard” so I am going to try using a water softener (Calgon Water Softener) in the washer starting Saturday and see how that works.

I totally love the idea of cloth diapers!  I think it’s great that we can take care of the Earth God has given us just a little better by not making more garbage.  I also think it is money-conscience and resourceful to use cloth.  It is safer for my little babies’ bodies too, which is very important.

I know many moms say they love laundering, drying, and folding their cloth diapers and enjoy buying fun prints and new diapers as often as possible.  I must admit, I have loved buying new diapers and enjoy how cute they look hanging on the line, but in all honesty, I don’t love washing, stuffing, and folding them.  If the All-in-one diapers I purchased dried faster in the sun, I would readily have purchased more.  Yet, being a mom, time seems to get filled with so many things, cloth diapering does add to the chores we do each day.  But, we make sacrifices.  I choose to wash my dishes instead of using paper goods as well, which I think most people do, except for the occasional parties.  I also periodically will use disposable diapers, like when on vacation, but I know that using cloth is better all around and I’m so glad I finally eventually made that choice.

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