“Looking For a Few Good Men”
Sunday, September 11, 2011 Sermon: “Looking For a Few Good Men” (a sermon for what women should look for or NOT look for in a mate).
These are very brief notes from the sermon. It was excellent. You can listen to it once it is posted on our church website: Stony Point Christian Fellowship
Men to Stay Away From (Even if they go to church):
1. 2:12 – men who are perverse talkers (someone who will demean you with their words does not value you)
2. 5:22 – wicked, bound by sin
(“we’re just human, but God is not.”)
3. 6:12 – worthless/wicked who walks in corrupt speech
4. 6:26-27 – lustful (particularly visual)
(God made man with the high calling to be faithful and he has made it possible.)
5. 7:7 – empty/lacks judgment
6. 10:23 – foolish/finds pleasure in evil
(don’t want just humor, he needs to have a serious side to him)