Trevor’s Xmas List
Please let us know if you buy something for TG. If you buy one of these items somewhere other than Amazon, please come back to TG’s list and click the “Buying this gift elsewhere?” link next to the item you purchased and follow the instructions to reserve the item. This will help ensure TG does […]
2011 Girls’ Christmas Wish List
So here is a list of things that might be nice to have for the girls. All Girls: Sun Hats Winter Hats Coordinating outfits (particularly dresses) – they don’t have to be identical but at least ones that go together or are the same color theme. Maybe tights for the big girls (white or cream […]
My Christmas Idea List
So, for those who requested it, here is my current Christmas list. Trev said to do it on Amazon, but I can’t do that yet. Sewing Stuff: Sewing basket (NO thread, I have lots) Thimble Pins and pin cushion Any fabric you don’t want anymore (scraps or otherwise) Food Storage stuff: Glass food grade jars […]