Family News


As always, God continually brings new and exciting adventures into the life of our family.  We are so blessed to have each other!  God always knows what he is doing, and has perfect timing, even when it isn’t clear to us.  🙂

In mid January, my older brother’s first daughter, my niece, was born.  What a special time for me to get to hold my little niece and have another little girl in my life to love!  After coming home from spending time with my brother, sister-in-law, and little niece, I told Trevor that I was sure now that I was content to just have the 3 little girls we already had.  Two weeks later, I was surprised to find out that God had decided otherwise.

After a little time of adjusting to the idea, we are very excited to be expecting to have baby #4 in late September.  The girls are so excited.  At first, Amabella would look at my tummy and say, “are you really having another baby?”  She no longer asks that, it’s pretty obvious now.  She would also say almost every day how excited she was that we were having another baby.  Adeliza started saying that too.  Amabella also no longer considers us a family of 5, she always counts the baby too.

We found out last Thursday, May 3, that this little addition to our family is a BOY!  The girls will have a baby brother to love and we will get to raise a son.  Almost every day, during either a meal or before bed, both Amabella and Adeliza pray for their baby brother.  It’s very sweet.  At first, Amabella said that we should have a boy because we already had so many girls, but later she changed her mind and thought she wanted a sister so she could teach her ballet.  Adeliza always mentioned wanting a brother.  Upon hearing the news, Adeliza and Avalina seemed unphased, but Amabella seemed unsure what to think.  Now, she just keeps acting so excited.  The girls pat, hug, or kiss my tummy and say, “I love my baby brother.”  Avalina pokes at my belly button and says, “baby!”  Of course then she poked her own and said “baby” tonight.  🙂

My pregnancy has been both similar and different from the previous 3.  I secretly felt like the baby had to be a boy or twins (though that was quite unlikely) since the pregnancy has been different enough from the others, yet I was surprised when the ultrasound indicated that he is in fact a boy.  I have had lots of nausea as I did with the others, but “craved” different things this time.  With the girls, I only “craved” McDonald’s chicken nuggets (gross, I know, and we don’t even eat McDonald’s).  This time, in order to keep me from feeling as sick, I often had to eat apples and avocados: often an entire avocado each day.  Of course, I love to have lots of milk as I did with the other pregnancies.  This time, along with being super exhausted until the end of the first trimester, I often felt too sick to do anything other than lay down starting at about 7:00p.m.  It’s great to be feeling only mild nausea now and having energy again.  Although I still can’t seem to keep up on all the laundry and whatnot, it’s much better.  I’m at a point that I would say I’m enjoying being pregnant, which is nice.  This part of the pregnancy only lasted about 6 weeks with the others, maybe it’ll last longer this time.  🙂  It’s fun to feel the little guy moving, though still faint.  I started feeling him around 16 or 17 weeks.

We are enjoying our girls and look forward to adding a little boy to the mix in quite a few months.  Family truly is a blessing from the Lord.

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