Just Some Little Things to Share
Sunday, May 20, 2012: The girls are at the table for breakfast & Trev is helping them. He gives Amabella a piece of toast & I’m not sure who else. All I hear is Avalina say, “I wa budu! I wa budu!” (I want butter!) I’m not sure she has bread to go with it, but I’m sure she wouldn’t mind either way. 🙂
Sunday, May 20, 2012: So, at the end of dinner, Avalina pointed to her diaper and said, “poopoos.” I asked, “do you need to go poo poos on the toilet?” She replied, “unh” (meaning yes or uh huh). I took her and she went some. Hooray! Well, then I put her snap on cloth diaper on her without pants over the top because I’d soon put on jammies. Next thing I knew I hear Trevor in the other room and look to see Avalina on his lap with poop on her leg and him holding his hand in the air. I asked what happened. He said she came over to him, pointed to her diaper, and he thought she said baby. He thought she had put a baby in her diaper, so he reached in to check and found a surprise. Of course, I had to take over and clean things up, but I just can’t stop giggling. Maybe it’s just me. 🙂
Monday, May 21, 2012: First time to feel baby boy kick from the outside, rather than just the inside. He sure moves a lot!