Painting This Afternoon
For literally months I have been dreading the thought of letting my girls paint on their easels. The thought of my middle girl painting EVERYWHERE just couldn’t escape my mind. However, for some reason, I decided I would let the girls paint after nap today – in the garage. Well, Avalina slept half an hour […]
Fresh Local Produce to Our Door
As Trev left for work this morning, he noticed we had our first delivery of fresh organic local(ish) produce. We finally decided to try it. We were quite excited, especially me and Avalina. Avalina tried taking the stem off the radish, but decided not to taste it. Then she bit right into the center of […]
Ended Up Being a Fun Day
Yesterday started out a bit crazy, so while the big girls were in time-out, I took a couple minutes to breathe and ask God for wisdom. Once the girls and I talked, the rest of the day went very well! We did quite a bit and here are a few pictures from our day. I […]
Amabella Can’t Wait to Help With Baby Brother!
Amabella has been so excited about the new baby coming. She is practicing a lot with Avalina. She helps change her diaper, tries to hold and carry her, reads her books, and tries soothing her when she’s upset. It’s quite sweet. 🙂 Here she is holding Avalina in the playroom the other day.
Just Before Nap
Since I needed to put the clean sheets back on their beds, I let the girls settle with a little Winnie the Pooh before nap. They all cuddled close together and I couldn’t help but take a picture. I knew that, once I came out ready to tuck them in, I would surely find one […]
Adeliza Builds Rapunzel’s Tower
While I was getting breakfast dishes done, Adeliza decided to build with blocks. She called me in to see her tower. We decided it was Rapunzel’s tower. 🙂
Avalina Chews Gum Successfully
So, I got home from work Monday to the big girls asking me for gum. I told them yes and said they could get a piece each. Then Avalina was calling to me from the living room to tell me she had gum. It was hilarious to watch her chewing it and then spitting it […]