Ended Up Being a Fun Day
Yesterday started out a bit crazy, so while the big girls were in time-out, I took a couple minutes to breathe and ask God for wisdom. Once the girls and I talked, the rest of the day went very well!
We did quite a bit and here are a few pictures from our day.
I came from washing dishes to find Avalina reading my Bible using her legs as a book holder.
Later the girls played with ALL their play kitchen stuff.
Then they drew on their easels or played in the garage. Amabella drew a picture of baby brother (he has a pacifier in his mouth) and tried writing “brother” all by herself. Next to that, she has a picture of daddy shaving. She wrote “daddy” too DYDYD. 🙂
Later the younger two helped peel eggs for lunch.
Then, after nap, a package arrived from their Great Aunt Danielle. They so enjoyed their little gifts and the cute new clothes for baby brother.
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