Avalina’s Family Party


I love to have a special birthday celebration just as our little family each year for each girl. We have a tradition of either going out to dinner or letting the birthday girl choose what we will eat. Then we have cake and blow out candles. Last we have a present just from me & Trev. So far, it’s usually something the girls can enjoy together.

So, on Friday, we went to Chinese for dinner (it’s a favorite of the girls’). Trevor picked out a black forest chocolate cake, I think because there were three chocolate dipped cherries on top. We had cake with special birthday plates and napkins. Then Avalina opened her present. It was a Melissa and Doug Ice Cream Sundae (banana split) set. The girls had a great time playing together before bed. 🙂

The pictures aren’t the best quality, but they capture a little of our time.








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