Baby Brother Is Here


More info to come, but for now the basic details …

Baby Boy Smith was born this morning at 7:17am. He weighed in at 7lbs. 4oz. and measured 19in. long.

We are doing well.

My mom (“Grammie”), dad (“Papa”), sister (“Auntie Tiff”), & of course Trevor were my delivery support team. We then had visitors of Oma and the three big sisters, Nana, Papa, Uncle Brandon, Auntie Nichole, & Cousin Kaylee. We got to FaceTime with Auntie Sarah and Cousin Milah too.

Lots of texts went out over the hours from the wee hours of the morning.

More to come. I’m going to rest now. Attached are two pictures. The first is baby boy by himself and the second is our family of 6. 🙂

