The Naming Process Unveiled



*Azrelius – pronunciation (as-rely-us)

Naming our children is something Trevor and I take very seriously and take our time doing. Below is a bit of the story of how we got to our son’s name. It is lengthy because I, Tawnya, am writing this. If you prefer an abbreviated version, just give Trevor a call. 🙂

Let me start by giving you the brief version of the name meanings of our girls, followed by our little boy’s name and meaning.

Amabella Louise Smith
Amabella: Ama (born on Saturday), Mabel (loveable), Amabella (Loveable, amiable), and Bella (beautiful)
Louise: (Family name – first daughters have the middle name of Louise – for the past 5 or more generations)

Adeliza Emeline Smith
Adeliza: Adi (ornament, adornment, or noble kind), Adeliza (noble, of kind spirit), Eliza (my God is a vow, devoted to God, the chosen) (Eliza is also a family name: her great-grandma and great-great grandma)
Emeline: Emi (beautiful, blessed with beauty, blessed), Emeline (peaceful home) (Emeline is also a family name we came across twice in our family tree)

Avalina Lola Smith
Avalina: Ava (life, strength), Avalina (life or life-giver; lively, pleasant; refuge in battle), Alina (beautiful, bright) (Also, Avalina is derived from the name Eve. It is significant because all through my pregnancy, the girls wanted to read about creation and Adam and Eve in their Bible.)
Lola: (Family name – Trevor’s mom, Judy’s middle name is Lola as is her grandmother’s first name: Helen’s mother is Lola Mildred) (Although the name sometimes means sorrows, it also means strong woman, which we hope is who she will become.)

Our son needed a name to follow suit with his sisters: significant name meaning, our desire for his life, family significance, and a four-syllable A name (the last part we considered optional).

Azrelius Haydon Smith
Azrelius: Azar/Azri (helps), Elias/Elius (form of Elijah: the Lord is my God)
Haydon: (Family Name: Tawnya’s maiden name. Trevor’s middle name is his mom’s maiden name as well.)

So, now, let me explain our process in naming our Azrelius. When we found out baby would be a boy, I began specifically to pray my heart for him. Immediately, what came to mind was my desire for him to be “a man after God’s own heart,” yet I did not want to name him David. I felt strongly, with my girls, that they needed to know their worth in the sight of God and us, that they were created beautiful just the way they are. In our society, girls need that confidence. However, with boys, there is the falling away from church and the faith and my deepest desire for my children is that they walk whole-heartedly with the Lord. So, I want him to know that we desire this for him and will always be praying for him about that. So, as I thought over a name and searched, I always started with the desire for him to follow whole-heartedly after God, Love the Lord with all of himself, be completely devoted to God, and the like. A few people in the Bible have either always stood out or stood out to me more as I thought of him: Elijah, Josiah, Obadiah, and Enoch. Trevor didn’t prefer the ah ending or the harshness of Enoch.

Both Tuesday and Wednesday, I had been called by the Birth Certificate Clerk at Kaiser reminding us that we needed to call with our son’s name by 4:30 on Wednesday because it needed to be submitted within 5 days as opposed to the 10 days we had with our girls. Well, Trevor and I spent much of the morning on Wednesday trying to come to a decision. I was totally stressed and the house was a disaster because we gave the girls pretty much free reign. At 2:00pm, we had to leave to take Baby Boy to the doctor for his 2-day appointment. I got into the car to go to the doctor knowing we were to call by 4:30, feeling like that was a complete impossibility, and wondering what we could do about that.

After we sat waiting in the waiting room at Kaiser for 30 minutes visiting with another couple with a young baby and talking about their son’s name (Hayden) and the lack of name of our son, they got called in and we continued to wait. Suddenly, just moments before the nurse came out to get us, a thought came to mind. Multiple times recently, as I was at church, the name Elijah came to mind again. It has always been a name and person in God’s Word that I love. I love that Elijah never died, but went up to heaven in a whirlwind. I knew, however, that Trevor didn’t love the ah ending. He didn’t care for the derivative Eliyahu either. I had looked up other ways to say Elijah just before leaving the house and came across Elias. I knew Trevor was really liking the names beginning with Azar or its derivitives (like Azr or Azri…). He liked that it meant “helps” and was also an A name. He mentioned Azrizahar just before lunch and I just wasn’t sold on that. As we sat for those moments alone in the baby cubicle/room at Kaiser, I thought, “what about Azrelias?” Trevor liked the name, but not the spelling because is seemed too feminine. He suggested changing it to an “ius” ending, which is masculine, so we changed the ending and ended up with Azrelius. We both had meanings and names we wanted, plus it ended up being an A name and 4 syllables. We thought Haydon still fit for the middle name, which was our plan from before having children, that our first son would have my maiden name as his middle name, to follow suit with Trevor’s name. Once we wrote it all out, broke the name down, and talked for a minute or two about it, I was totally calm. I felt like, “Wow, this is it. We have the name and it will be on time too!! I knew I kept praying and should have trusted that God’s timing would be right.

So, I will continue to pray for our son, that he will be a help to those around him, that the Lord will be his God and he would serve and follow Him all of his life, and that family would be very important to him. We are so thankful for this newest blessing of life in our family and trust God to lead us as we parent a son along with our daughters.

So, what’s in a name? A lot for us. 🙂

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