Baby Boy’s Birth Story and the Few Days Before
I always like to write down the experience I have in childbirth, mostly for the sake of my own memory. If others are interested, I am happy to share, so here I go.
I love to give the back story, so this will be lengthy. 🙂
Over the couple weeks prior to our son’s birth, I was feeling nauseous often and the Braxton Hicks contractions were much more painful than usual. It made me wonder if baby would come early and caused me to stress that I might not know when the contractions were the “real” ones. I had a doctor appointment on Thursday morning, September 20, and was told that I was 2cm dilated, 60% effaced, and -3 (I have no idea what that number means). My doctor told me for the third time that this baby was going to be smaller than my girls were, he could just tell. He also kept indicating that my girls were born at 38-39 weeks, so it was very possible for the baby to be born any time, but not guaranteed. However, before I left, he came out to me, as I waited to schedule my next appointment, and said, “now, make sure to take pictures this week,” making me think that he was thinking baby would be here pretty soon. I was fully intending to take pictures, but that didn’t end up happening. I also thought I’d take pictures on my way to the hospital, but who actually feels well enough to do that?!
So, Friday, September 21st, Oma and Grandad came over and picked up the three girls at about 9:20 and brought Amabella to school and the little girls to their house to play for the morning and lunchtime. I got a few things done around the house that I had been wanting to do while the girls were away. We then met at Pleasant Hill Christian School, where Amabella goes to Fun Friday, P.E., and Spanish. (I am otherwise homeschooling her for kindergarten.) Then the girls and I met with some homeschool moms and kids from church in the afternoon, which was so much fun. On our way home, we were invited to have dinner with some of our other friends at Olive Garden. So, we joined them for a late dinner. I wasn’t feeling very well that evening, but made it through the dinner. This continued to make me wonder how soon baby would be here.
Anyway, after a fun, productive, and busy Friday, the girls and I helped clean church for a little bit Saturday morning and enjoyed a fun 3 year old friend’s birthday party. All four of us napped that afternoon, then, with the convincing of my dad, I decided that the girls and I would not drive the 1 1/2 hours or so to my cousin’s wedding in Foster City and went to Trevor’s parent’s house for dinner instead. We got to visit with extended family and they were all relieved I didn’t drive to the wedding. Having had lots of contractions for a while, Trevor’s mom was confident baby would be born at any minute. But Saturday night, as we left, I hadn’t been having many contractions and was feeling really good, so I told them not to worry, baby wouldn’t be born that night. Well, after getting the girls home and in bed, I sat on the couch to send emails and such and started having lots of close contractions. Again, I was assuming them to be Braxton Hicks, but began to stress thinking I could be in labor soon and what if it was “false labor” like with Avalina and how would I know…
Eventually, though not feeling sleepy but feeling very nauseous and anxious, I made myself go to bed. I figured if I laid down, they would settle, or I would settle. When I start to stress a lot, I either have a hard time breathing or just shake uncontrollably. My body was shaking a lot and I had Trev rub my back and pray with me. I was able to settle, but couldn’t get to sleep. I continued having sporadic contractions from 11-12, and realized these were “real” contractions, so I took a shower to see if they’d go away. They didn’t and moved from being 10 minutes apart to eventually 8 or 6 minutes apart until 3:15 when I couldn’t stay in bed laying down any more because it just magnified the contraction pain. The contractions were much more bearable standing up. I got up and immediately they were about 3 minutes apart, so I tried doing things around the house, packed my bag, etc. and assumed I was really in labor. I continued to keep my family posted, since they were in Foster City and would have an hour and a half or so to drive to get to the hospital. I soon let Trevor’s mom know as well. She came around 4am, feeling best to just be here for us to leave at any minute. After the contractions were 3 minutes apart for an hour, I decided we should head to the hospital. We were at the hospital less than 2 hours with Adeliza and barely 1 hour with Avalina, so I didn’t want to be too late. We got there about 4:35, but the contractions were settling and starting to be less consistent, so we decided to just stay in the cozy warm car. We contemplated going home and coming back later so that I didn’t have to be in the hospital too long. But, periodically, the contractions would be really hard and I would have to get out of the car and stand up. Finally, at 5:15, we decided to slowly walk in. Walking in, the contractions were getting much closer and more uncomfortable again – I think I had 3-5 on the way in, so they seemed pretty continuous. I had remembered to call ahead this time, so they were expecting me, but I still had to fill out paperwork when I arrived. Then I was told I needed to be hooked up to monitors for 20 minutes. I was dreading this because it meant I couldn’t stand up. I got into the room at 5:30. The nurse slowly got me settled in as my family was arriving. I knew I wanted to not wait too long to get to the hospital this time, but once there I was confident I was not very far dilated and knew that would make the rest of the labor much more difficult. Once the nurse had asked a slew of questions, some 3 times, the midwife came in and checked me (maybe around 6am). Sadly, as I expected, I was only 6cm dilated. I was 100% effaced and -1 (whatever that is). My contractions were really close and very difficult already and I was sure I had a long road ahead. However, she reassured me I could get up and walk any time as soon as I was done answering a few questions from the nurse. I assumed those were the questions I had just finished answering, but I was wrong. I was also having a lot of back pain with each contraction (so maybe back labor). I was using my breathing strategies and trying to relax and praying. I was often saying “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me” in my mind through the contractions. I must have looked ridiculous (this is when I wish we videoed) because I would cover my eyes with one hand and hold onto something or someone’s hand with the other. Eventually probably flopping like a fish out of water because of the pain.
Well, as the contractions increased and I still lay in bed, the nurse continued to ask questions from at least 6am until after 7am. I actually don’t think she ever finished the questions. The contractions were so close sometimes she could get a question or two in while I was able to answer. However, when the contractions were hard, I needed to concentrate & that meant I needed silence: no whispering, no asking Trevor the question, no talking at all. She didn’t get it. I hated that I must have sounded rude, but, almost every time I’d start having a contraction, I’d have to say, “just a second,” “wait,” “shhhhh!,” or, eventually just plug my ears. The crazy monitors were still on me too, so much for the 20 minutes. I knew baby was fine and I knew I was having contractions. I almost just pulled them off myself and threw them, but thankfully used a little self-control and instead asked if she could take them off. She did.
Around 7am, I told her (insisted, I guess would be a better way of saying it) that I needed to be checked again because my body would not let me not try to push. She said the midwife was with someone else, but she checked & said I was just at 7cm. I knew if they just broke my water, baby would be out in minutes. Well, it kept getting worse and I told her again, “you NEED to get the midwife.” Eventually, because I was pushing, my water started to break. By the time the midwife got in the room, I believe my water had completely broke, I was pushing, but trying not to, and baby was already coming out. I was so stressed, thinking, what if I’m not at 10cm yet?! But, I learned these last 2 births that the body really knows what to do. At any rate, the nurses and midwife were so not ready. I think, of all the unimportant questions they asked, it would have helped to know how quickly I moved from 7cm to delivery with baby #3 (It was about half an hour from the time they got me in a room, said I was 7cm, broke my water, and she was born, but that’s another story). They were still trying to get the bed repositioned and their stuff all set up when baby was being born. The midwife asked if she could check me and I have no idea what I said, but I wondered, “what are you expecting to check, it’ll just be baby’s head coming out.” It didn’t take long of actually being allowed to push, 2-3 pushes, to get him out and have him in my arms. I believe she had me reach down and take his body and bring him to myself. I think I did, thinking it might help.
I was a bit annoyed that I wasn’t being listened to and had been made to stay in bed the whole hour and 45 minutes we were there before baby arrived (I know it’s not long, but felt like an eternity). However, it was cool to know that my water would eventually break by my body pushing to get baby out. It IS so amazing how God designed our bodies. I even had no tearing. And, everything else became so unimportant once I was holding my baby. I would have even answered more questions without a fight.
I kind of giggle as I write this. I don’t like how pushy, irritable, angry, and annoyed I get at times, but I have to assume they’ve seen the like before.
I really want my four family members who have been in the room for all of my deliveries (dad, mom, Tiff, & Trevor) to write down the labor and delivery from their perspective. I’m sure THEY have stories to tell. 🙂
I was so blessed by my wonderfully supportive family team (those at the hospital and those not) and delivering a healthy baby boy! God is so good, and He is faithful, trustworthy, and oh so patient. Thank you, God, for the many countless blessings in my life and especially this newest one! 🙂
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