Special Presents for the Girls


In preparing for baby brother’s arrival, I picked out 3 different dress-up/role playing outfits for the girls to have someone give them when we were in the hospital.

Well, Oma had thoughtfully bought the girls new flip flops and Great Aunt Susan had some special gifts of notepads and stickers for them, so they got the gifts from them on Sunday.

Then, while staying with my parents and sister, my sister gave them each a necklace from her African Safari trip in Kenya and Tanzania. Ama chose a giraffe necklace “because Auntie Tiff loves giraffes,” Adi chose an elephant necklace, and Avalina chose the lion necklace (perfect because she loves to roar and growl).

Since they already got special gifts, their presents from me waited until today. I realized they needed something different, a treat, today. So, I pulled out the three dress-up outfits and gave them to the girls. They were so excited, they even quickly helped get the yard and living room tidied up a little before I passed out their gifts.

After having them close their eyes to wait, and keep them closed to take their unwrapped gifts, I handed Avalina a chef outfit, Adeliza a hairdresser outfit, and Amabella a waitress outfit. I felt these were perfect. Avalina loves to pretend to cook. Adeliza always wants to do peoples’ hair. And, Amabella loves to take peoples’ orders. They loved them! Then, both Ama and Adi wanted the waitress outfit because it had a menu and a dry erase order card. I’m going to make another menu and order card on the computer and laminate them, then maybe they both could be waitresses. For today they shared and traded outfits. 🙂

Below are a few pictures. The first is a picture my sister sent while we were still in the hospital of the girls with their necklaces. The following pictures are of the girls and their new outfits.


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