Goodbye School, Hello Summer!



Pleasant Hill Christian School Awards Night – May 2015

Last night, we had Pleasant Hill Christian School’s Awards Night and Spring Program.  The group of K-5th graders sang a handful of songs, recited the Beatitudes, and recited poems or did a skit.


The Girls and Their Teachers

In this picture are the girls’ teachers Mrs. Dillon (Monday – Wednesday teacher) and me (Thursday and Friday teacher).  Adeliza is on the left in the pink sweater with a white dress and bright flowers.  Amabella, on the right, has a lavender sweater over a lavender and white floral dress.

Amabella just finished first grade and she received her awards for Reading and Respectfulness.  She has truly blossomed in her reading. I gave her a Boxcar Children book for Easter, her first real, mostly pictureless chapter book and she finished it in a week.  Now, in about a month and a half, she has read a few more Boxcar children books, 4 shorter chapter books about a girl named Andi and her horse, and a handful of other books.  Every time I turn around she is reading now.


Amabella’s Reading Certificate


Amabella’s Character Award for Respectfulness

Adeliza just finished Kindergarten and she received her awards for Learning to Read and Confidence.  She really is doing well with her reading though she is still much more passionate about doing things with her hands or figuring out how to do something.


Adeliza’s Learning to Read Award


Adeliza’s Character Award for Confidence

When asked at home what they loved or learned this school year, Amabella said reading groups and when they got to read with older buddies. Then, when I asked the class later, she responded, that her favorite part was that I was her teacher. 🙂  So sweet!  Later, again, she added reading.  Adeliza shared that she liked the typing game they did in computers and gymnastics (that they went to after school some Mondays).  Later she also included recess, which would have been my first guess. All year, when asked what she enjoyed about her day at school it almost always included something to do with recess or hot lunch. Below are pictures of what they wrote in class last week about this.


Amabella’s Favorite Part of First Grade Writing – May 2015


Adeliza’s Favorite Part of Kindergarten Writing – May 2015

For this summer, Adeliza decided she wants to learn how to sew and have time to paint – specifically by looking at works of art of others and replicating it. Amabella wants to continue to learn to sew and loved the idea Adi and I brainstormed to get art journals and find wildflowers at grandparents’ houses or around our neighborhood, draw them with colored pencils, take a picture, pick and flatten one in a book if possible, write about the flowers and learn more info about each.  So, I believe we will plan to do some sewing, flower observation journals, and perhaps study impressionist artists and learn about them while they paint like the given artist – with well-known artists like Monet and Van Gogh.  I also plan to get some cleaning and organizing done :-), get the kids in swim lessons again, and I’m sure a million other things.


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