Azri’s Sleep Habits
Last week, Trevor converted Azri’s crib to a toddler bed. It has been such fun for him. He can easily get in his bed instead of just getting out.
He still falls out a bit, and each time I’m up during the night I reposition him, so he won’t fall out.
He also has this issue lately where he wakes up in the middle of the night, calls for me, and wants to come into our bed. Then he acts super wide awake and talkative. Night before last, I brought him into our bed, laid him in the middle, rolled over and fell right back to sleep. Seconds later I hear “whooooo. whooooo.” I whispered, “Azri, what are you doing?!” He responded, “I owl.” 🙂 Pretty cute for sure, but I reminded him that he needed to be quiet and go back to sleep or he would need to go back into his own bed.
Last night, as usual, I turned him around before I went to bed.
Then, when I got up to help one of the girls, I repositioned him again. A little later I heard him calling me. In the mostly darkness I went in and didn’t see him on the bed. I looked and didn’t see him on the floor by the bed either. I started feeling around and noticed a foot under the crib. Poor guy must have fallen off the bed then scooted under the crib. I pulled him out and was about to lay his freezing cold little body back under his warm covers when he handed me a bracelet and lollipop stick. I’m not sure what he was doing under there, but apparently awake enough to find a couple things. It totally cracked me up. 🙂
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