Special Surprises
This morning Grammie and Auntie Tiff brought the girls back from San Francisco just after Trevor got home from bringing Avalina and Azrelius back from soccer. They so thoughtfully brought back gifts for the little ones. They attempted to discreetly sign their gifts without being seen. They brought each of them books, signed by themselves, […]
Zao’s 2nd Birthday Party
Sunday, June 14, we had the privilege of going to our long time friends, Eric and Melissa Sangervasi’s son Zao’s 2nd birthday party. It was at LA Tercera park in Petaluma, across the street from where my family lived from 6th grade through 11th or 12th (1646 Peggy Lane). The kids enjoyed playing despite the […]
So Blessed
Yesterday, my doctor told me that I need to get rest so I can get well. To have someone take my kids, not go to work and so forth for a week. We will see how long I can manage. My selfless and generous mother in law took my two young ones for the morning, […]
Our Summer Adventure Has Begun
With the start of summer vacation I knew keeping to a schedule would help all of us. So we have a flexible “summer school” schedule where we work daily on a memory verse, Bible class, calendar, math, penmanship, writing, reading, and typing. It has gone very well, and we have had lots of fun outside […]
Home Sunday School Led by Ama
Today, since most of us are sick, we stayed home from church. Ama was excited to teach Sunday School like she has done before when we were sick. While daddy ran to the store, she got everything ready for us and prepared her lesson. She set out paper and crayons, used her devotional as a […]
Daddy ‘pider
As I finished changing Azri’s diaper before bed, he said, “There daddy ‘pider (aka daddy long leg) by Adi’s bed. All gone now. I not pick it up.” Me: ” Oh good. Where did it go?” Azri: “I wiped it.” Me: “What did you wipe it with?” Azri: “My fingers.” Oh good, that’s so much […]