So Blessed


Yesterday, my doctor told me that I need to get rest so I can get well. To have someone take my kids, not go to work and so forth for a week. We will see how long I can manage.

My selfless and generous mother in law took my two young ones for the morning, through lunch, and to the park while Nana had a massage. She then went back to help Nana get ready for company. Wow!  She let my kids paint and have Mac and Cheese.  We are so blessed to have her!

My also selfless and generous mom took the big kids today to SF to spend the day with doting Auntie Tiff. She loves on and spoils them just as they need from their Auntie. They had such fun getting gifts and treats, spending time at her house, eating out together, and playing at the park. I needed a break and in the process all of us were truly blessed!

Fun with Auntie Tiff and Grammie - The smiles say it all!

Fun with Auntie Tiff and Grammie – The smiles say it all!

I pray that one day God will grow me to become as selfless and generous as these two godly woman and beautiful role models for myself and my children!  We are so blessed!

Then, my husband generously offered to pick up pizza to allow me to not have one more thing on my plate. What a treat NOT to have to cook. Truly blessed!

When my little girl heard that big sissies were staying the night with Auntie and Grammie, tears began to roll.  All was well as we made a quick batch of cookies (much faster with 2 “helpers” than 4 as strange as that sounds) and some blue homemade playdoh. So blessed all around.

Avalina Enjoying the New Blue Playdoh We Made

Avalina Enjoying the New Blue Playdoh We Made

Sneaky Azri, What Number Cookie is this?!

Sneaky Azri, What Number Cookie is this?!

Then we got to play memory, the four of us – Avalina’s favorite game, and read before bed. More tears came as she missed her sister and roommate, Ama.  So, I let her snuggle in bed with me until she fell asleep. Azri, too, was in and out and back in with us. While I lay there, not quite ready to sleep, I read a devotional my good friend Diana recently recommended and I downloaded onto my phone: Streams in the Desert. As I read today’s devotion, God spoke so much to me about truly trusting Him and not giving any place for Satan. Verses that also came to mind were: “Cast your cares on Him for he cares for you.” “Take my yoke upon you, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light and you will find rest for your soul.” “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” “Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” I am choosing to surrender more intentionally those burdens I carry and truly entrust them in the hands of my Lord and Saviour.  I am so blessed!


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