Rash and Park Time


My poor big girl started getting a rash on June 2.  It got increasingly worse and covered every inch of her poor legs and arms, then also moved to her torso, back, and face. It got really bad the weekend before VBS.  She got so miserably itchy at nights, that she would be shaky and crying because it was so itchy it hurt. The salve I caked on her skin didn’t provide enough relief at nights. I tried everything over the weekend including cold compresses, pain medication, and Little House on the Prairie.  On Sunday, Trevor bought a slew more creams to try.  We didn’t know then that we had hit the worst of it and were now on the road to recovery.  On Tuesday, after VBS, we headed to Petaluma to the Naturopathic Doctor’s office to get more salve because we used the entire container after picking one up Friday night.  The plus of having to drive to Petaluma was that there is a park directly next to the office. So, we took time to play too. 🙂










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