4th of July Care Pack from Auntie Tiff
As always, Auntie Tiff is so thoughtful. She sent a care package for the kids for the fourth of July. It came with flags, patriotic cupcake liners with star picks, patriotic straws, and temporary tatoos see here. Friday afternoon, July 3, we baked some cupcakes we could all eat (gluten free, dairy free, and egg […]
More June Happenings
A few more June happenings… As usual, Azri is still in his phase of wanting to read by his bedroom door. I told him I’d tuck in his sisters and come back to tuck him in. This is what I came back to: a sleeping kid with a book on his face. When I moved […]
Haydon Cousins Play Date
Uncle Brandon and Auntie Cole generously were willing to come to our house to babysit and for a time for cousins to play while I went to my good friend Jen’s dad’s memorial service. The kids had such fun together! I was blessed to see many people I haven’t seen in a long time at […]
Papa’s 86th birthday with the Grahams
Sunday, after church, we all picked up our own lunches then gathered at Nana and Papa’s house again. It was another fun-filled afternoon of swimming. Eventually, the slide got washed and that was a hit for everyone! Even Azri went down the slide and into the water alone. Now that it was their third day […]
VBS Presentation at Church
Sunday, we had our VBS presentation to the church during the 10:30 service. Lots of the family came to enjoy the service with us. Great Uncle Bill, Great Aunt Susan, cousin Andy, his boys Oliver and Levi, Great Aunt Marian, Great Aunt Doris, Oma, Auntie Sarah, and cousin Milah. The children lined the front of […]
Swimming and BBQ at Nana and Papa’s
After the fair on Saturday, we went to Nana and Papa’s house to swim and barbeque hamburgers. We got to spend time with lots of relatives: Great Uncle Bill, Great Aunt Susan, Great Aunt Marian, Great Aunt Doris, Nana, Papa, Oma, Granddad, Auntie Sarah, cousin Milah, Oma’s cousin Andy, and his sons Oliver and Levi […]