More June Happenings
A few more June happenings…
As usual, Azri is still in his phase of wanting to read by his bedroom door. I told him I’d tuck in his sisters and come back to tuck him in. This is what I came back to: a sleeping kid with a book on his face. When I moved the book, he rolled over into a little ball and continued to sleep. I scooped up that ball and laid him in bed. 🙂
June 30 was Papa Haydon’s birthday. Since he and Grammie were in Washington, we wished him a happy birthday via picture texts and a brief video email.
The kids set up croquet in the front yard and played a little too.
Later that afternoon, Ama had a well-child check up so we took pictures with the Woodstock out front.
Two days later, Avalina had her well-child visit so we took pictures again.
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