Chipotle with Oma and Granddad


After church on Sunday July 5, we joined Oma and Granddad for lunch at Chipotle.  I tried to  take a picture of my four patriotic kids first, but there was very little cooperation.  Trevor joined in on the photo attempt.  🙂

Turn around for a picture

Turn around for a picture

Silly Daddy

Silly Daddy

Kids Table

Kids Table

Adult table

Adult Table

Darryl and Judy were planning to come to our house for the Women’s World Cup final game and some hair cuts.  Judy wondered if the kids would nap if they ran errands first.  Well, there was one who slept.  He fell asleep promptly on our way home.

Azri fast asleep

Azri fast asleep

At church, Ama got some Wiki Stix and she shared them with her sisters.  During rest time, Adi used her Wiki Stix to create a flower on the wall with these wax coated strings  She’s so cute.  🙂

Adi is so proud of her creation

Adi is so proud of her creation

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