Fourth of July 2015 – Sangervasi’s Party
As usual, we spent the evening of the fourth of July at the Sangervasi home. We always have a great time. This year we arrived around 6:45pm. The kids played with their friends Lucca, Joanna, Finn, Hazel, and Zao, as well as the adult family friends. 🙂 It was so nice to get to spend time with Dan, Foster and Stella, Jen and Gabe, Rachael and Matt, Eric and Melissa, and others.
After some playing time, this year we decided to do some of the fireworks, particularly the sparklers, early while kids weren’t so tired. This was the first year I bought sparklers for the kids since I promised them that I would last year. They enjoyed it, but it was stressful for me. It seemed like every direction I looked, a sparkler was spraying at someone’s hair or clothing. All were safe, though. 🙂
After some time playing and doing the first sparklers, some of the friends went home. Those of us who stayed went to the catwalk near Eric and Melissa’s house to watch the fireworks from there this year. It was a great view, but it was very intimidating for me to be standing on a people overpass over the freeway with it swaying and lots of people on it as we watched the display. I was tempted to go back early, but the kids were having fun and THEY didn’t seem scared on the catwalk. 🙂
Once back, the four girls had fun together doing/watching the end of the fireworks in the court.
We stayed really late (about 11:30pm), like old times, just visiting together Only this time all of us seemed so tired we just didn’t want to move to get off the couch to get in our car or get kids to bed. 🙂 Such good friends and good times!
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