The First to Cut Her Hair


It came as no surprise that my middle girl would be the first to cut her own hair, but I still was shocked when it happened.

So, not too long back, I finally gave the big girls their own scissors. We wrote their names on them & they had a great time cutting paper or magazines.

Well, as I was preparing dinner on the 24th, the girls were happily cutting at the table right in my line of sight, though I clearly wasn’t watching. At one point, I looked at what they had been cutting and Adeliza said that the scissors got stuck in her hair, so she cut it, but that next time she wouldn’t do that. I looked around and, seeing no hair, suggested we pull her hair back and reminded her that we cut paper. Later, as I’m probably going to be sure the table is cleared so I can set it, I look on the floor and see what appears to be a lot of hair. Startled, I said, “Adi, your hair!!!”. To which Trevor responded, “she told you she cut it.” I had to explain that the shock was because I had no idea how much was cut. I just assumed it was a strand or two. Next, as I call Adeliza over to look at her hair, she starts crying. (She’s always been my sensitive one whose tears have broken my heart.) I had to explain that she was not in trouble, I was just surprised to see all the hair and I wanted to see where it was cut from. After a little searching, I found the spot, but her beautiful, full, fluffy, wavy hair makes it pretty much impossible to notice any hair is missing. 🙂

We carefully collected her hair, put it in a baggie, I dated it, and she wrote her name on it. Next, we took a picture of it & put the bag aside for safekeeping. 🙂


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