Zao’s 2nd Birthday Party
Sunday, June 14, we had the privilege of going to our long time friends, Eric and Melissa Sangervasi’s son Zao’s 2nd birthday party. It was at LA Tercera park in Petaluma, across the street from where my family lived from 6th grade through 11th or 12th (1646 Peggy Lane). The kids enjoyed playing despite the […]
So Blessed
Yesterday, my doctor told me that I need to get rest so I can get well. To have someone take my kids, not go to work and so forth for a week. We will see how long I can manage. My selfless and generous mother in law took my two young ones for the morning, […]
Our Summer Adventure Has Begun
With the start of summer vacation I knew keeping to a schedule would help all of us. So we have a flexible “summer school” schedule where we work daily on a memory verse, Bible class, calendar, math, penmanship, writing, reading, and typing. It has gone very well, and we have had lots of fun outside […]
Home Sunday School Led by Ama
Today, since most of us are sick, we stayed home from church. Ama was excited to teach Sunday School like she has done before when we were sick. While daddy ran to the store, she got everything ready for us and prepared her lesson. She set out paper and crayons, used her devotional as a […]
Daddy ‘pider
As I finished changing Azri’s diaper before bed, he said, “There daddy ‘pider (aka daddy long leg) by Adi’s bed. All gone now. I not pick it up.” Me: ” Oh good. Where did it go?” Azri: “I wiped it.” Me: “What did you wipe it with?” Azri: “My fingers.” Oh good, that’s so much […]
Watch “Papa’s 86th Birthday” on YouTube
Papa’s 86th Birthday (Click on the picture above)
Watch “PHCS 2015 Awards Night” on YouTube
PHCS 2015 Awards Night (Click on picture above to go to the YouTube videos of the program. The videos are not in order.)
Azri’s Sleep Habits
Last week, Trevor converted Azri’s crib to a toddler bed. It has been such fun for him. He can easily get in his bed instead of just getting out. He still falls out a bit, and each time I’m up during the night I reposition him, so he won’t fall out. He also has this […]
Last Day of School – Water Fun
The last week of school was mostly filled with cleaning and fun. Thursday was their last day and from 11:00-11:30 the neighboring fire department brought over their fire hoses and kids used water toys to soak each other. Of course, Adeliza had a blast. Getting wet and playing outside is such fun to her! Amabella […]
Goodbye School, Hello Summer!
Last night, we had Pleasant Hill Christian School’s Awards Night and Spring Program. The group of K-5th graders sang a handful of songs, recited the Beatitudes, and recited poems or did a skit. In this picture are the girls’ teachers Mrs. Dillon (Monday – Wednesday teacher) and me (Thursday and Friday teacher). Adeliza is on […]
Protest, Voting, and Change
When the populous understands a wrong as been committed against another, the desire for justice or avenge, would be acted upon, but not exclusively. A bereaved group within the populous should not merely seek a single retribution, but target the policy and policy makers, to enact lasting, cultural change. In a democratic republic, the populous […]
Understanding A Bag Ban
Why are people talking about a thin device to carry goods, purchased from merchants? People tend to approach this topic from one of two sides: those who love the feeling of helping their community and serving the authority and those who hate any additional financial burden. Both are ridiculous and missing a bigger issue. How […]
New Computer; New Game
The girls are enthralled by Broken Age on Steam on their new Zareason computer, running Edubuntu. This is the first computer game the girls have ever played. A choose-your-own-adventure game with a girl who rebels against the cultural systems of control in a fight and flight to freedom and a boy wants to detach himself […]
Closed Doors of 7/7 Bombing
Walking about the streets London on July 7th, 2005 was a surreal experience. The personalized notes left by shopkeepers, for customers and employees alike were captured the uncertainty of the moment. Source: trevorsmith.us
Evening Devos
Source: trevorsmith.us
Source: trevorsmith.us
Shopping with Avalina
Avalina and I had a special shopping trip to Oliver’s Market to get cake for daddy’s birthday. She had such fun pushing the cart and loading it onto the counter to pay. It’s very fun to have those special times with just one of my sweet kiddos!
Christmas Card/Letter 2012
Sorry for the delay, our family Christmas Card/Letter will be posted here very soon. Check back.
The book of James: Spiritual Maturity
James 1 We are called to have no will of our own. We need to see and pause for God moments. That we would clay to be molded in God’s hands daily. 1 cor 6:19-20 Matthew 7:21 Ephesians 3:8 Luke 17:10 Luke 6:46 1 Corinthians 15:9-10 1 Timothy 1:15 Galatians 1:10 Servants: Called to serve […]
Christmas Wish Lists 2012
Here is our Christmas Wish Lists with some of our ideas. Some have already been purchased or are going to be purchased, so I put the name next to it and/or put a strike/line through the text to show it is purchased. Feel free to text or email me with questions or let me know […]