Recent Family Time
This past week, we’ve had the privilege of getting to visit with lots of relatives. Trevor’s Great-Aunt & Great-Uncle from England were in the area and we got to visit with them on two occasions. It was so nice to spend time with them since it’s been 7 years ago since we visited them and […]
Helping Make Pancakes/Eating Butter
This morning, Avalina wanted to help make pancakes. She helped pour the mix and stir in the milk and egg. Then, as I was melting the butter, she took a big bite of the butter. I had to take a pic, then she took another bite. I put it away. Enough butter for the day. […]
Visiting with Cousins
We just had a fun weekend camping for my cousin’s wedding, then spent an additional day at my parents’ house in Ukiah. The girls had a great time getting to know their cousins Ian and Kaitlyn. Other rode bikes, played at playgrounds, played in the playhouse, took a walk, played with Auntie Tiff and my […]
The Big Girls at the Doctor
Last Wednesday, June 6, the big girls had their yearly check-ups at the doctor. They did a great job and had such fun. It started with their vision and hearing check, followed by their weight & height measurements, then they got to put on the special gowns, and lastly they had the check up with […]
We Voted
After dinner, I took my oldest with me to our polling station with me to vote. On the way there, we talked about what voting is and ways she already gets to vote. Then we talked about what I’d be voting about and why a four year old isn’t quite ready to vote about these […]
Donuts and Daddy
The girls and I were having a tough morning, so I decided we needed to go buy some hot cocoa, since we didn’t have any. Then we decided to get donuts too. When I texted Trev to see if he wanted us to pick up anything for him, he said he’d be delivering right there […]
Theresa’s Baby Shower
Today I had the privilege of attending a baby shower for one of my long time friends. It was so nice to catch up with so many old friends: one I’m not sure I’ve seen since high school. My favorite part was simply getting to be with a couple of two of my oldest, sweetest […]
Today’s Sermon
Protecting the church from heresy (anything in opposition to the teaching in scripture). (intro to our study of Colossians) Sermon – Sunday, June 3, 2012 – Pastor Harper Heresy creeps in the back door. Before you know it not only have you absorbed it, but you’re speaking it. The problem is not the degree to […]
Soccer Family
Trevor and the girls spent Tuesday together while I worked. I arrived home to all of them dressed in soccer attire. Trevor had his Fulham F.C. Jerseys on. Avalina had her Fulham jersey, shorts, and socks on. Amabella was wearing the girls’ Sports City jersey and shorts. And Adeliza was wearing her Fulham shorts and […]
Books Before Bed
The girls helped change my sheets today so they could jump on my bed – that’s the rule (maybe not a very good one) that beds can only be jumped on when we’re changing the sheets. Then, instead of reading on the couch, we made my bed and they sat in it to read. First […]
Drawing Spiders
The big girls were drawing spiders in their easels last week. Adeliza’s spider is complete with a string that it’s hanging from. If you look very closely at Amabella’s you’ll notice a tiny head at the top with a little face. 🙂
A Few Sweet Things
A few sweet things about my girlies: Avalina had to go to bed tonight not just with her two bobbies (pacis) but also her pone (phone). She’s fast asleep holding them. As I gave Adeliza her little stuffed monkey to sleep with, I was reminded that he used to be called “Mo Mo” when she […]
The First to Cut Her Hair
It came as no surprise that my middle girl would be the first to cut her own hair, but I still was shocked when it happened. So, not too long back, I finally gave the big girls their own scissors. We wrote their names on them & they had a great time cutting paper or […]
Surprise Package from Mimi
Last week, the girls, and baby brother, received a surprise package in the mail from Mimi (my mom’s mom). They were so excited, I hardly had time to pass out the packages before they were opened. The girls each got adorable shirts and shorts in different colors. Baby brother go a sweet little outfit and […]
Pictures of Me & the 3
I rarely get pictures of me and my girls, but recently our Pastor’s wife tried taking a few for us. 🙂 Here we are.
This Baby Feels Big
He had better not be as big as his daddy was when he was born is all I have to say. I’m not even 22 weeks and I’m huge! I feel so heavy, not to mention physically wiped out a lot! My girls weighed quite enough: 7lbs 10oz to 8 lbs. Trevor weighed 9lbs 2oz […]
Just Some Little Things to Share
Sunday, May 20, 2012: The girls are at the table for breakfast & Trev is helping them. He gives Amabella a piece of toast & I’m not sure who else. All I hear is Avalina say, “I wa budu! I wa budu!” (I want butter!) I’m not sure she has bread to go with it, […]
Avalina Does Patty Cake
In the car this evening, Avalina kept reciting Patty Cake. Then I saw her sitting on Adeliza’s bed with Adeliza’s monkey and playing Patty Cake with it. I tried to have her do it for the video although it didn’t turn out quite as cute. 🙂 Your browser does not support the video tag
Love is Patient
Earlier this week, after a day of the girls really struggling to love each other, I decided we would focus on “love” the next day. As I read 1 Corinthians 13, I decided to begin to teach the girls more about what love is. So we started with, “love is patient.” As I made pancakes […]
Amabella’s Cat
The other day, the girls enjoyed writing on their easel with dry erase markers. I helped Amabella spell out the word CAT, then she drew a picture of a cat. I just thought this was cute. The extra marks on the easel were from her sisters.